Band Boosters
Greetings to everyone in our Rivera Band Family!
The Band Boosters Association is a parent organization that
exists to support our sons and daughters as they play, practice,
and compete in the Rivera ECHS Raider Band. Our band has been
practicing and performing, and we see how strong and determined they are.
To continue supporting our Rivera Band, the Band Boosters would like to encourage all parents to volunteer their time and resources, in any capacity you can. For example: one hour at the concession stand or staying from beginning to end, attending meetings, donating a can of nacho cheese or supplies, serving as a band booster officer, helping distribute fundraising items or bringing ideas for fundraisers, chaperoning a local event or an out-of-town trip, handing out flyers to students and parents, driving a U-Haul, or anything that will benefit and support our band. Any amount of your time and all efforts are greatly appreciated.
The more support we have from our parents and community, the more successful our Rivera Band will be. Please contact one of the following Band Booster Officers with any questions about volunteering your time and/or skills.
We are looking forward to a great year and thank you for being a part of our Rivera Band Family!
Please Contact a member of the Booster Board with any questions you may have!
Booster Board
President - Joseph Tamayo
Vice President - Arilene Gonzalez
Secretary - Liliana Ramirez
Treasurer - Alejandra Olmos
Bookkeeper - Sally Vela